WTT 2Account (Alquima)for 1 with lvl 55+ Char in Anuhart

06/29/2014 13:22 Danny74#1
Hi. WTT 2Account (Alquima)for 1 with lvl 55+ Char in Anuhart. One an sorcerer asmo lvl65with no gold, no gp . Has 10+Orb Strife /Cloth of fierce strife set. Alquemy 370/399. Account of sorcerer is 6/60 on GP(but starter account/Need another gp to activate). The other account is on Elyos side; a lvl 62 Bard. I am whiling to trade those 2 accounts for one at least with a lvl 55+ Character or lvl 65 in Anuhart server Elyos side only. Feel free to pm me your offers. Thanks
07/02/2014 08:33 Danny74#2

07/07/2014 11:25 Danny74#3