Final Fantasy XIV Level & Relic Service

06/28/2014 16:50 saik1992#1
Hey there I'm offering a Leveling Service for Main and Secondary Classes aswell as all DoH and DoL classes and a Service for your Relic needs. Details below.

For Mainclasses:

Grind from your level to 50 as well as doing all Story and Classquests if you wish.

For Secondary Classes and DoH/DoL:

Grind from your level to 50 as well as all Classquests if you wish.

Bonus if you are on Cerberus - Chaos Server:

You'll get a complete iLv 70/90 Set or your ilvl 55 Crafter Gear as a Bonus - meaning I don't want anything for it, it's free.

A little bit more heavy but aso in Service: Gearing Up your Crafting Classes and/or Gathering classes up to the current Maximum to do 3 Star Crafts and/or 2 Star Gathering.

Relic service:

Contains everything about your Relic weaopon starting with the ILv 80 one - I will Do the Relic quest in your Name and Grind Atma's/Myth's for Animus Books/Do the Books/Get your Novus Weapon - of course this does need time if you want a Novus from Nothing.

You'll decide for Novus Stats - but I can offer my knowledge as a far-content player with Secondary Stats.

PM Me right here to discuss Pricing's and the times you do want to play on your own.

P.S.: I am fine with 1 time password's to secure your Account safety. But keep in Mind you need to communicate with me alot more in that Situation and Delivery Times may go up.