WTS D1 & D5 Accounts , P3 & P5 , G1 2xG5 EPIC ACCOUNTS

06/27/2014 22:28 martop#1
Hello everyone, I'm here to sell all of my League of Legends accounts I have 7 ACCOUNTS TO SALE!!!! 5 of them are on EUNE and 2 EUW for more information about the skins, icons and champs on the accounts you can add me on skype : red_liverpool . I will try to give you a lot of information in this thread soo lets start. Add me on skype if you are interested prices are negotiable.

To make it easier for you to look at the accounts i will give you little bit of information
THE FIRST ACCOUNT : EUNE Diamond 1 55 champs 37 skins, 11 rune pages [more information read below]
THE SECOND ACCOUNT : EUNE Diamond 5 52 champs 19 skins, 3 rune pages HIGH MMR [more information read below]
THE THIRD ACCOUNT : EUW Platinum 4 81 champs , 66 skins A LOT of rare ones,7 rune pages [more information below]
THE FOURTH ACCOUNT : EUNE Platinum 5 65 champs , 18 skins , 5 rune pages SUPER HIGH MMR [more information read below]
THE FIFTH ACCOUNT : EUW Gold 5 55 champs , 50 skins PAX JAX!!! 3 rune pages[more information read below]
THE SIXTH ACCOUNT : EUNE Gold 1 39 champs , 12 skins SUPER HIGH MMR 3 rune pages [more information read below]
THE SEVENTH ACCOUNT : EUNE GOLD 5 38 champs , 4 skins SUPER HIGH MMR 2 rune pages[more information read below]

THE FIRST ACCOUNT: EUNE Diamond 1 73 points [season3-Diamond1] The account has been one time challenger at the begining of the season it has good MMR but its also veteran. 11 Rune pages. 260 RP 1600 IP

55 Champions , 37 skins
Ahri - Foxfire Ahri,Popstar Ahri
Anivia - Team Spirit Anivia
Annie - Prom Queen Annie
Ashe - Amethyst Ashe
Blitzcrank - Definitely Not Blitzcrank, iBlitzcrank, Riot Blitzcrank
Elise - Victorious Elise
Garen - Dreadknight Garen
Gragas - Vandal Gragas
Heimerdinger - Piltover Customs Heimerdinger , Snowmerdinger
Jax - The Mighty Jax
Kassadin - Festival Kassadin
Katarina - Red Card Katarina
Kayle - Judgment Kayle
Leona - Pool Party Leona
Nasus - Infernal Nasus
Nidalee - Headhunter Nidalee
Nunu - Grungy Nunu
Orianna - Gothic Orianna
Rammus - Full Metal Rammus
Riven - Dragonblade Riven
Shyvana - Darkflame Shyvana
Singed - Surfer Singed
Sivir - Huntress Sivir
Sona - Arcade Sona
Thresh - Deep Terror Thresh
Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana
Twitch - Medieval Twitch
Warwick - Grey Warwick
Wukong - Volcanic Wukong
Xin Zhao - Imperial Xin Zhao
Ziggs - Mad Scientist Ziggs , Major Ziggs

THE SECOND ACCOUNT: EUNE Diamond 5 39lp [season3-bronze] The account has an amazing MMR Diamond 2 ~ As i said it has Bronze icon which i think its amazing to troll player 156 RP 5600 IP. It has 3 Rune pages with good runes

52 Champions , 19 skins
Alistar - Unchained Alistar
Draven - Soul Reaver Draven
Fiora - Nightraven Fiora
Jax - Vandal Jax
Katarina - Bilgewater Katarina
Kayle - Judgment Kayle
Kennen - Karate Kennen
LeBlanc - Prestigious LeBlanc
Lux - Sorceress Lux
Master Yi - Chosen Master Yi
Miss Fortune - Secret Agent Miss Fortune
Olaf - Glacial Olaf
Sion - Warmonger Sion
Tryndamere - Highland Tryndamere
Varus - Blight Crystal Varus
Veigar - White Mage Veigar
Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao
Tristana - Buccaneer Tristana , Riot Girl Tristana

THE THIRD ACCOUNT: EUW Platinum 4 66 LP [season1-GOLD],[season2-GOLD],[season3-PLATINUM] All Victorious skins a lot of summoner icons 7 rune pages and A LOT of LIMITED and rare skins. It has 1075 RP 1500 IP

81champs , 66skins
Ahri - Foxfire Ahri
Akali - Crimson Akali , All-star Akali , Blood Moon Akali
Alistar - Longhorn Alistar , Unchained Alistar
Anivia - Team Spirit Anivia , Bird of Prey Anivia , Hextech Anivia
Ashe - Queen Ashe
Cassiopeia - Desperada Cassiopeia
Corki - Urfrider Corki
Mundo - Mr. Mundoverse
Draven - Primetime Draven
Elise - Victorious Elise
Ezreal - Striker Ezreal
Fiddlesticks - Spectral Fiddlesticks
Galio - Hextech Galio
Garen - Dreadknight Garen
Gragas - Scuba Gragas
Irelia - Nightblade Irelia
Janna - Victorious Janna
Jarvan IV - Victorious Jarvan IV
Karthus - Phantom Karthus , Pentakill Karthus
Kassadin - Festival Kassadin
Katarina - Mercenary Katarina , Red Card Katarina , Kitty Cat Katarina
Kayle - Judgment Kayle
Kha'Zix - Mecha Kha'Zix
Kog'Maw - Caterpillar Kog'Maw
LeBlanc - Prestigious LeBlanc
Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin
Lux - Sorceress Lux
Malphite - Marble Malphite
Malzahar - Shadow Prince Malzahar , Overlord Malzahar
Master Yi - Chosen Master Yi
Morgana - Exiled Morgana
Nidalee - Snow Bunny Nidalee , French Maid Nidalee , Bewitching Nidalee [boarder]
Nocturne - Haunting Nocturne [boarder]
Nunu - Sasquatch Nunu
Orianna - TPA Orianna , Gothic Orianna , Bladecraft Orianna , Sewn Chaos Orianna
Poppy - Scarlet Hammer Poppy
Ryze - Professor Ryze
Shaco - Royal Shaco
Sona - Silent Night Sona
Syndra - Justicar Syndra
Teemo - Cottontail Teemo
Tryndamere - Highland Tryndamere
Tristana - Earnest Elf Tristana , Riot Girl Tristana
Vayne - Vindicator Vayne
Veigar - Leprechaun Veigar
Xerath - Battlecast Xerath
Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao
Zed - Shockblade Zed
Ziggs - Snow Day Ziggs
Zilean - Time Machine Zilean
Zyra - Haunted Zyra

THE FOURTH ACCOUNT : EUNE Platinum 5 60LP [season3-silver] VERY HIGH MMR , it has 5 full rune pages with some rare summoner icons.

65 champs , 18 skins
Alistar - Unchained Alistar
Gangplank - Toy Soldier Gangplank [with boarder]
Garen - Dreadknight Garen
Gragas - Scuba Gragas
Jarvan IV - Commando Jarvan IV
Kassadin - Pre-Void Kassadin
Katarina - Mercenary Katarina
Kayle - Judgment Kayle
Kog'Maw - Sonoran Kog'Maw , Deep Sea Kog'Maw
Lee Sin - Acolyte Lee sin
Pantheon - Perseus Pantheon
Shaco - Royal Shaco
Tryndamere - Sultan Tryndamere
Tristana - Buccaneer Tristana , Riot Girl Tristana
Twitch - Kingpin Twitch , Vandal Twitch

THE FIFTH ACCOUNT : EUW Gold 5 80LP [season3-unranked] 3 rune pages, good runes AMAZING PAX JAX skin and a lot of rare skins + legendary skins. 500 RP 2000 IP

55 champs , 50 skins
Alistar - Unchained Alistar
Amumu - Re-Gifted Amumu
Annie - Goth Annie
Caitlyn - Resistance Caitlyn , Sheriff Caitlyn
Garen - Sanguine Garen , Desert Trooper Garen , Commando Garen , Dreadknight Garen
Hecarim - Blood Knight Hecarim
Irelia - Nightblade Irelia , Aviator Irelia
Jarvan IV - Commando Jarvan IV , Dragonslayer Jarvan IV
Jax - PAX Jax , Angler Jax , Vandal Jax
Karma - Sun Goddess Karma , Sakura Karma , Traditional Karma
Kayle - Judgment Kayle
Kog'Maw - Caterpillar Kog'Maw , Reindeer Kog'Maw [boarder] , Lion Dance Kog'Maw
LeBlanc - Wicked LeBlanc , Prestigious LeBlanc
Leona - Valkyrie Leona , Defender Leona
Malzahar - Vizier Malzahar , Shadow Prince Malzahar
Maokai - Charred Maokai , Totemic Maokai
Mordekaiser - Pentakill Mordekaiser
Nocturne - Frozen Terror Nocturne , Void Nocturne
Nunu - Nunu BOT , Grungy Nunu , Sasquatch Nunu
Renekton - Galactic Renekton , Outback Renekton
Shaco - Nutcracko [boarder]
Sion - Barbarian Sion
Teemo - Astronaut Teemo
Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana
Trundle - Lil' Slugger Trundle , Junkyard Trundle , Traditional Trundle
Wukong - Volcanic Wukong , General Wukong
Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao

THE SIXTH ACCOUNT : EUNE Gold 1 EXTREMELY HIGH MMR [season3-gold] 3 Rune pages , good runes . 0 RP 1000 IP

39 champs , 12 skins
Unchained Alistar,Artic Warfare Caitlyn,Victorious Elise,Nottingham Ezreal,Sanguine Garen,Dreadknight Garen,Valkyrie Leona,Iron Solari Leona,Galactic Nasus,Snow Bunny Nidalee,Ruthless Pantheon,Riot Girl Tristana

THE SEVENTH ACCOUNT : EUNE GOLD 5 EXTREMELY HIGH MMR [season3-silver] 2 rune pages with good runes , rare summoner icons

38champs , 4 skins
Alistar - Unchained Alistar
Garen - Dreadknight Garen
Jax - Vandal Jax
Tristana - Riot Girl Tristana