Boost Until Gold

06/22/2014 21:08 dyrusfs#1
We are two friends qualified as Diamond in solo Q.

We can take boost up until gold 5 without any problem.
Bronze: 3€ per division (from 5 to 1) or 4€ division 1

Silver: 6€ per division (from 5 to 1) or 7€ division 1

EUW and NE

Skype: joaoramos17
06/22/2014 23:34 Boost of Draven#2
Looking for vouchers+? just added you on skype (:?
06/23/2014 01:07 Boost of Draven#3
Done 2 vouchers for me, won both.
First as Blitzcrank support, and pretty much won bot with his amazing graps, timing them perfects with minions dying. then he started to roam to other lanes and won them aswell... lol :)
Second as Draven, with blitzcrank as support, vs Lucian and Veigar(Huuh?) Well veigar was a pain in the ass to play against in botlane, But midgame/lategame His Draven was amazing landing some good ulties and Catching his axes perfectly,

This guy is also very friendly and helpfull he also gave me a short "couching" about adc in higher elo (:

This guy is awesome (:
06/23/2014 01:12 dyrusfs#4
Looking for more vouches
06/23/2014 12:14 exzident#5
If you need a vouch for gold 3 pm me gu.steven
06/23/2014 20:05 dyrusfs#6
I'll vouch up until Silver 1, I'm onling doing business until there

06/28/2014 19:27 Steve o.O ✔#7