Good username

05/20/2014 22:28 Jōkər#1
Looking for a good in game name (on euw)

Good: Pikachu, Ash
Bad: xxfioramaster12xx

Please post your offers here!
05/20/2014 22:29 kRYTEX1337#2
sh1nex maybe or.. hm duno tr0ned
05/20/2014 22:30 BigBongTheory#3
Which region?
05/20/2014 22:30 Taeyeοn#4
Server? I have a few on NA. Add me on skype, and don't be hatin on sky :P
05/20/2014 22:31 Jōkər#5
Sorry forgot to add, euw only.
05/20/2014 22:31 BigBongTheory#6
I added you on skype,got good name on EUW :)
05/21/2014 12:44 FackYeah#7
1euro add me apo4ever2
05/21/2014 12:56 Prokoz#8
got one called 'Summomers' pm me :)
I don't ask much either :P
05/21/2014 13:02 BoostoutoffEloHell#9
MorganaBanana, TheySeeMeDraving, Lesbian Unicorn, Morgana Freeman, MikeLitoris, HowImetyourmundo, 2Annies1Chalice :)
06/09/2014 20:24 Jōkər#10
Looking for some names again!
06/09/2014 20:40 Division Stomper#11