04/16/2014 00:31 edwinlt14#1
Hey guys my friend is plat 4 bcz he dosent play that much and he wants to make a bit of money he is elo boosting SO cheap like from bronze 5 (which alot of people are stuck in) to silver 5 25$ or €15 which is very cheap normally it would be like 100$ and over so we are not scammers we are bored of lol and want to make a bit of money we are very cheap if u want it just PM me (PS: The most he will elo boost max to plat 5 and we dont need your pass or name u can type it in yourself through teamviewer if u dont trust us)
€3 per divsion, 5$ per divsion
If you want to purchase add my skype: Edwinlt2
First 10 people that ask will get 2 games played for them for FREE and then reply with feedback
Only 9 people left
04/16/2014 00:32 Lokeee#2
Good luck.
04/16/2014 08:52 FackYeah#3
i can voutch for u add my skype apo4ever2
04/16/2014 12:21 edwinlt14#4
I added u
04/16/2014 14:13 Ispy1#5
sent a pm