League Of Legends Account - Diamond in S3 (3vs3

04/09/2014 12:19 Syntusti#1
Hi folks!

Due no more time and too much work, I have decided to quit League Of Legends. I have a level 30 account which will not be used anymore so i thought some of u could use it :bandit:

My Account Details
Rank: Gold 3 (demoted from plat 5 due inactivity)
Old Rank S3: Diamond 1 in 3v3 - Plat 1 in SoloQ - Gold 5 in 5v5
Champions: 103
Skins: Around 25 (legendary Nunu Skin)
Rune Pages: 11
Remaining IP: 3207
Remaining RP: 294
Price: We will figure something out

If you have any questions about this account like what runes i have or what skins exactly. Just ask and i will reply

Thanks for reading this post!