PLAT V account/Plenty skins EUW

04/05/2014 18:31 angelcb#1
Hi everyone, it's my first time selling something here, I also sold a PBE account some time ago and now I'm looking to sell my main account in EUW

Champs: I own all champs but Vel'Koz, Hecarim, Nautilus, Malzahar, Sejuani, Viktor, Skarner, Maokai, Cassiopea, Urgot, Kog'Maw, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Heimerdinger, Zilean, Sion, Galio, Rammus.

Foxfire Ahri
Popstar Ahri
Golden Alistar
Team Spirit Anivia(Winter legacy)
Amethyst Ashe
Officer Caitlyn
Dark Valkyrie Diana
Victorious Elise
Death Blossom Elise
Frosted Ezreal
Pulsefire Ezreal
Royal Guard Fiora
Dreadknight Garen
Pool Party Graves
Frostblade Irelia
Frost Queen Janna
Slay Belle Katarina
Aether Wing Kayle
Traditional Lee Sin
Muay Thai Lee Sin
Pool Party Leona
Dragon Trainer Lulu
Steel Legion Lux
Mafia Miss Fortune
Leopard Nidalee
Headhunter Nidalee
Sewn Chaos Orianna
Battle Bunny Riven
Warlord Shen
Ice Drake Shyvana
Snowstorm Sivir
Arcade Sona
Astronaut Teemo
Riot Girl Tristana
Gangster Twitch
Archlight Varus
Dragonslayer Vayne
Neon Strike Vi
ShockBlade Zed

I think I didn't forget any
I have 84 RP and 5400 PI

CLG 2013
SKT T1 2014
Pulsefire Ezreal Icon
And seasons icons like Christmas etc...

I own every viable rune(even 2k PI's quints)

League: Platinum V with positive win/ratio
Gold IV in 5v5
Gold III in 3V3

I'm looking for this account a CS:GO Knife or Paysafecard money

PD: I only sell to trusted and high rep people
We can negotiate furthermore for the account, it's legit and I can give proofs