Voodo Amulets

12/24/2013 15:07 ajaxamsterdam#1
How can i throw 135k in 1 time?

12/24/2013 15:13 tata26#2
There is no trick / bug at the moment.
Please use the Index
12/24/2013 15:18 trolleras9#3
try with speed autoclicker, a few months ago it was working,
i dont think it will work but give it a try
12/24/2013 15:21 Come2Kill#4
lol...you play farmrama? that is not a bug or trick....its just behemot bar. So....if you want to have it too, stop playing farmrama and do battle points or open chest
12/24/2013 15:24 ajaxamsterdam#5
Some people can do it lol.
12/24/2013 15:52 Royal*#6
Its a Bug... ;)
Some players have with one amulet more than 400.000 vp. ;)
12/24/2013 17:32 Nectix#7