Hack eps

08/10/2009 05:18 marcos unger#1
already tried here in the forum and found not to hack eps if someone there has a hack to put ai eps or contact me VLW.

sorry for my bad English.
08/10/2009 08:02 raptor4life#2
There is no way to hack eps at this time and there wont be for a very long toime
08/17/2009 22:56 GreenGibson#3
i agree with buddy those frigging nips are robbing us blind somebody should do something about it...i payed wayyyyy to much for this game allready
08/18/2009 08:09 raptor4life#4
i agree with ya on that but what can you do if u guys figure out a way sure as hell share it in private messages cause tq checks the forums