[B] Golden 5 Server: EUW [S] Money.

12/07/2013 19:07 No Swek?#1
Heu, Im here to sell my 3rd Account yet on League of Legends.

unchained alistar
riot girl tristana
sultan tryndamere
high command katarina
glacial malphite
victorious elise
dragon fist lee sin
foxfire ahri
sonoran kog'maw
arclight varus

76 champions
I got every champion except: aatrox, brand, fiora, galio,gangplank,gragas,graves,irelia,jinx,karma,le blanc,lissandra,lucian,lulu,malzahar,maokai,mordek aiser,nami,nocturne,quinn,rammus,renekton,rumble,s ejuani,shen,shyvana,skarner,swain,syndra,tresh,tru ndle,twitch,urgot,vi,viktor,wukong,xerath,zac,zigg s,zyra

105 rp
1820 ip
3 runepages
runes: 9 x 0.91 armor // 7x 0.87 magic pentration // 4x 0.59 ability power // 5x 043 physical damage // 1x 1.2 ability power // 3x 5.0 abilitypower // 3x 2.3 physical damage // 3x 1.0 gold per 10
3x 2% lifesteal // 9x 0.95 attack damage // 9x 1.34 magic resist // 9x 1.41 armor
Gold V 0 points
MMR ~~ Gold 2 - Gold 1

Skype: Yoessiejj
Teamspeak3: ts3.supremeteamspeaks.eu:1997