please ~~ !!!

11/27/2013 02:59 mmmhhh#1
every day iam open SQL in my vps find user register from my website

all player register normal like 3 : 3
1 player make gm register 1 : 1

and get my server ip from my client and make auto noise in my server

and MySQL not find any ip for hem

for more info

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

ALL I NEED ( HOW CAN hem do that ? )

To Fix it

11/27/2013 15:58 CastieI#2
He probably SQL-injected you (he found a security hole in your website) and created an account by using a query like that:
Insert into TB_User (struserid,password,sec_content,Sec_primary)
values ('yougothacked','c02b7d24a066adb747fdeb12deb21bfa','1','1')
Find the hole in your website in order to fix the problem.
12/02/2013 14:17 mmmhhh#3
iam chenged my website
and he make 1 :1 again
for more info

[Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

change my d.b name ?? :)


Find the hole in your website
look for me here
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