A Leveling Path(where to go at what lvls)

08/03/2009 08:34 shano1#1
I would Seriously Like someone the make a Guide for like where to level i see all these guides with people saying get the skills and you need this much SP But where do i go at say lvl 41 to lvl??????? Can someone please make one or Post a Link to a Guide
08/03/2009 11:47 .1337#2
normal place to train @ lvl41 is maong lvl43 found at hotan near the east ferry
if u have other question explain more please
08/03/2009 11:58 .1337#3
normal place to train @ lvl41 is maong lvl43 found at hotan near the east ferry
if u have other question explain more please
08/03/2009 15:02 Electrified0#4
Mind telling what build your character is shano, cuz that can drastically alter where you can train xD
08/03/2009 19:17 Behemmoth#5
No one made a guide cuz it doesn't need a guide , if yr STR go for mobs ur lvl+2 , if INT mobs ur lvl-2 , if u have a super plused sun gear and wep , u can add a couple of lvls.

thats it.
08/04/2009 00:07 Electrified0#6
Not necessarily...I always bot at mobs a bit lower than me on my STR chars cuz of better kill rate/drop rate.

You just map it based on so you can kill them without wasting much.

Like if you're an int and hit 90% of a monster's HP, go to one that's either lower and dies in 1 shot or higher and you actually use the power of both shots cuz otherwise you're just wasting time/mp...and not dying is good.