2 LVL 30 LOL ACCOUNTS For Sale!!!

11/02/2013 19:51 MoNsTeRsHeW#1
LVL 30 EUW LOL Account, 44champs/12skins/GOLD V

Server: EUW

Crimson Akali
Resistance Caitlyn
Frosted Ezreal
Spooky Gangplank
Commando Jarvan IV
Viridian Kayle
Judgement Kayle
Artic Ops Kennen
Sonoran Kog'maw
Riot Girl Tristana
Leprechaun Veigar
and Victorious Elise at the end of the season!

Wins: 230+ ranked/210+normal
Division: Gold5
Runepages: 2
Price: 60Euros
Note: Payment via PayPal

If You have some offer, write me in message.

EU Nordic and East LVL30 Silver3/ 108champs/25skins/1600+normal wins/400+ranked wins/2 runepages

Server: EUNE

8 heroes not owned

Pool Party Renekton
Pentakill Olaf
Mecha Kha`zix
Full Metal Ramus
HeadHunter Rengar
Tyrant Swain
Glaive Warrior Pantheon
WhiteMage Veigar
Super Teemo
Dragonslayer Vayne
Warmonger Sion
Bilgerot Rumble
Commando Jarvan IV
Commando Galio
Commando Lux
Commando Garen
Commando Xin`zhao
Lil'Slugger Trundle
Pharaoth Nasus
Uncle Ryze
Tempest Janna
Unchained Alistar
Riot Girl Tristana
Traditional Karma

Wins: 1670+normal/420+ranked
Division: S3
Price 40Euros
Notes: Via paypal

If u have an offer, lets write a message with it, U pay first, if it's done, u get the account details. Just with Trade request.