NA - EXTREMELY Original 3-Letter Name - Diamond I+ - Friends w/ PRO's - SEMIFAMOUS

10/30/2013 17:58 DiamondBooster#1
Pay safely with eBay and buy it through my eBay link (can discuss lowering price if need be): [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

I'm willing to sell this for relatively cheap compared to what it should be sold for. Please PM me with a reasonable offer!

I'm willing to sell JUST the name for the right offers! Again, can sell it for cheaper than it should be sold for. PM ME!

UPDATE: I purchased Haunted Zyra and Pumpkin Fiddlesticks, account now has ~350RP left, however, there are friends constantly sending gifts to the account :)

I am the original owner of this account. I'm doing a class assignment right now so I can't put much design into this thread but I'll summarize everything you're purchasing:

- Diamond I w/ 20+ LP account
- Account has a moderately low amount of played games
- 2.3k RP and 5.7k IP
- All necessary rune(s) and rune pages are purchased

- Champs Owned: Aatrox, Ahri, Akali, Annie, Ashe, Blitz, Brand, Cait, Cho, Corki, Darius, Draven, Elise, Eve, EZ, Fid, Galio, Gragas, Graves, Irelia, Janna, J4, Jax, Jayce, Jinx, Karth, Kass, Katarina, Kayle, Kha, Lee, Leona, Liss, Lucian, Lulu, Lux, Malphite, MF, Nami, Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nocturne, Nunu, Orianna, Poppy, Quinn, Rengar, Riven, Ryze, Sejuani, Shaco, Sona, Taric, Teemo, Thresh, Trist, Trynd, TF, Twitch, Udyr, Varus, Vayne, Veigar, WW, Zac, Zed, Zyra.

- Skins Owned: Prom Queen Annie, Riot Blitzcrank, Sheriff Caitlyn, Gladiator Draven, TPA EZ, Hillbilly Gragas, Jailbreak Graves, Statue of Karthus, Pool Party Lee, Galactic Nasus, Ravager Nocturne, Phoenix Quinn, Scuba Diver Riven, Championship Thresh, Vandal or Gangster Twitch, SPIRIT GUARD UDYR, Arclight Varus, Heartseeker and Blue Vayne, Purple Zac (MIGHT BE OTHER SKINS BUT I DON'T REMEMBER THEM)

- The name of the account is only THREE LETTERS LONG. It is a REAL word and VERY popular, I get friend requests and adds from professionals and famous streamers all the time. I've been offered $200 for the name alone.

- The account is associated with a popular account that moderates for several streams.

- The account is known amongst the amateur and professional scene(s) and is relatively popular. I am close friends with several LCS Pro's and by buying this account you're essentially buying friendship with the best of the best!

I will ONLY accept Moneypak/Skrill for this (if you can't do Moneypak we can discuss other methods but only if there is ZERO risk involved for myself).

I am selling this because I'd rather afford a place to live than continue on with this game.



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10/30/2013 18:21 voidstr#2
why dont i trust this lol XD
11/01/2013 05:13 DiamondBooster#3
I can prove it's mine easily, also, I just got it up on Ebay as well!

Ebay Post: [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
11/01/2013 08:17 Betaplaya#4
Can you skype me or pm me what the name is ? skype: Accountsandskins
11/02/2013 16:00 DiamondBooster#5
Originally Posted by Betaplaya View Post
Can you skype me or pm me what the name is ? skype: Accountsandskins
Toss me a PM and I'll reply to it.
11/02/2013 16:02 Lucky´s#6
It´s sold on ebay ?
11/06/2013 00:44 DiamondBooster#7
Selling the account right now for a LOT cheaper than what it could go for!