[Intro] Elsword PH komediting~

10/25/2013 18:43 jamwan#31
there is already a list of what each kom has inside, someone posted it here but its just a quick reply so its hard to find.
10/25/2013 18:48 L'arc~en~ciel#32
Originally Posted by jamwan View Post
there is already a list of what each kom has inside, someone posted it here but its just a quick reply so its hard to find.
Already seen it.. Hehe thanks
11/03/2013 04:00 liampicaso#33
where it is .
11/03/2013 09:54 joses123#34
11/03/2013 17:03 ★Wronskian★#35
I've seen it on the rival forum. On the sticky threads :)
11/07/2013 07:39 Dosatron01#36
001: Event-Daten/Event data
002: Attacken/Attacks
003: Motion_cubic?.tga
004: Drop-Models / Texturen/Textures
005: Charakter-Models / Texturen/Textures
006: Charakter-Models / Texturen/Textures
007: Charakter-Models / Texturen/Textures
008: Boss-Models / Texturen/Textures
009: Zwischenboss-Models / Texturen/Textures
010: Div. NPC-Moves / Texturen/Textures
011: Eve-Motions
012: Event-Daten/Event data
013: Dorf-NPCs (Models / Texturen)/Textures
014: Dorf-NPCs (UI / Models / Texturen)/Textures/AI/Models
015: Item-Daten (Models / Texturen)/Textures
016: Item-Daten (Models / Texturen)/Textures
017: Item-Daten (Elsword, Models / Texturen)/Textures
018: Item-Daten (Eve, Models / Texturen)/Textures
019: Item-Daten ("Lire"=Rena?, Models / Texturen)/Textures
020: Item-Daten (Raven, Models / Texturen)/Textures
021: Texturen (SDs)/Textures
022: Titel? (?.TGA, ?.XET)
023: Diverse Objekt-Models / Texturen (Dorf)/Textures(Village)
024: Diverse Objekt-Models / Texturen (Dorf)/Textures(Village)
025: Ruben-Stage-Daten (X, Y, DDS) Ruben stage data
026: Ruben/Elder-Stage-Daten (X, Y, DDS) Ruben/Elder stage data
027: Elder-Stage-Daten (X, Y, DDS) Elder stage data
028: Besma-Stage-Daten (X, Y, DDS) / "pvp_summer"? Bethma stage data
029: Besma-Stage-Daten (X, Y, DDS) Bethma stage data
030: Peita-Stage-Daten (?.X, ?.Y, ?.DDS) Feita stage data
031: Altera-Stage-Daten (Models) Altera stage data
032: Altera-Stage-Daten Altera stage data
033: Motion-Dateien ("Arme", Chung, Eve, Elsword, "Lire", Raven) Motion data of Aisha, Chung, Eve, Elsword, Rena and Raven
034: User-Interfaces
035: Dungeon-LUAs
036: Sockel-System
Diverse andere Systeme
037: NPC-AIs
038 Emotes, Dorf-Animationen der Charaktere Village animations of the chars
039: NPC-UIs
040: Stage-LUAs
041: DirectX-FX-Daten
042: Status-Effekt-BMPs
043: Boss-Files - DDS?
044: DungeonClear-Moves, CutIns
045: SlashTraces, WeaponIntensify, Diverse DDS / TGA
046: TGAs
047: MiniMaps (TET / TGA)
048: Diverse DDS, X, Y
049: Komische DDS-Dateien/Still don't know for what these are used
050: PvP-Matching- Ready/Standing -Dateien (Animationen, DDS)
051: DLG? = Dialog? (TET / TGA)
052: JobChange-Bilder ("Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du bist nun...") (TET / TGA)
053: Common_new_texture (TET / TGA)
054: Common_new_texture (TET / TGA)
055: Common_texture (TET / TGA)
056: UI-Buttons (TET / TGA)
057: DLG_UI_Common_texture (TET / TGA)
058: Loading-Screens Ruben (TGA)
059: Loading-Screens Elder (TGA)
060: Loading-Screens Besma (TGA)
061: Loading-Screens Peita (TGA)
062: Loading-Screens Altera (TGA)
063: Skill-Renders / Cursors / Faces / Diverse Renders (TET / TGA / DDS) INTERESSANT
064: Guide-Bilder (TET / TGA)
065: Diverse TET / DDS-Dateien
066: Weltkarten-Bilder (TGA / TET / DDS)
067: Cash-Shop-Items (DDS)
068: Loading-Screens, NPC-Cards, HP-Bars (TET / TGA)
069: Voices (WAV)
070: Diverse Sounds (WAV)
071: Altera-NPC-Sounds (WAV)
072: King_Nasod-, Nasod_Element-Sounds (WAV)
073: Besma-NPC-Sounds (WAV)
074: Weitere Besma-Sounds, Wally9-Sounds (WAV)
075: Elder-NPC-Sounds (WAV)
076: Peita-NPC-Sounds (WAV)
077: Ruben-NPC-Sounds (WAV)
078: Event-Sounds? (WAV)
079: Aisha-Tutorial-Sounds (WAV)
080: Elsword-Tutorial-Sounds (WAV)
081: "Tuto_Berd"? "Tuto_Thief"?, diverses (WAV)
082: Eve-Tutorial-Sounds (WAV)
083: Rena-Tutorial-Sounds, Elder-Tutorial-Sounds (WAV)
084: Raven-Tutorial-Sounds (WAV)
085: Diverse Sounds (z.B. für UI, WAV)
086: Altera-Dorf-Sounds (WAV, OGG)
087: Besma-Dorf-Sounds (OGG)
088: Diverse Sounds (WAV, OGG)
089: DungeonGate-Sounds (OGG)
090: Amb_Elder_Village_Crowd.ogg
091: Ruben-Village-Sounds (WAV, OGG)
092: Aisha-Voices, "Sound_Arme..." (WAV)
093: Elsword-Voices (WAV)
094: Eve-Voices (WAV)
095: Rena-Voices (WAV)
096: Dorf-NPC-Voices (WAV)
097: Raven-Voices, Crowrider-Voices (WAV)
098: Boss-Sounds, Diverse Sounds (WAV)
099: "Imire_..." (X, Y, DDS)
100: Diverse Models (X, Y, DDS, TGA, XET)
101: Stage-Models
102: NPC-Sounds (Belder-Gegner, WAV)
103: Dungeon-Loading-Screens (TGA)
104: NPC-Sounds (Hamel-Gegner, WAV)
105: Belder-Dungeon-Sounds (WAV)
106: Pet-Daten
107: Chung-Equip-Daten (X, TGA)
108: Chung-Tutorial-Sounds (WAV)
109: Chung-Voices (WAV)
110: Hamel-Models (X, Y, DDS)
111: Hamel-Boss-Daten (X, Y, TGA, XET)
112: Belder-Dorf-Sounds (WAV, OGG)
113: Hamel-Dorf-Sounds (WAV, OGG)
114: Hamel-Dungeon-Sounds (WAV)
115: Hamel-Ladebildschirme (TGA, DDS)
116: Diverse Motions/Models (u.a. Aisha + "Arme", X, Y, DDS, TGA)
117: Chung-Moves (X, Y, DDS, TGA)
118: Elsword-Moves (X, Y, DDS, TGA)
119: Eve-Moves (X, Y, DDS, TGA)
120: Raven-Moves (X, Y, DDS, TGA)
121: Rena-Moves (X, Y, DDS, TGA)
122: Diverse Moves (X, DDS, TGA)
123: Belder-Boss-Moves (X, Y, DDS, TGA)
124: Belder-Models (X, Y, TGA)
125: Hamel-Models (X, Y, DDS, TGA)
126: Geheimer-Garten-Ladebildschirme (TGA)
127: Diverse Hamel-Sounds (WAV)
128: PvP-Hero, NPC-Chars (Models, X, XET, DDS, TGA)
129: Pet-Sounds (WAV)
130: Shop-Items (DDS)
11/24/2013 09:32 eric159#37
Originally Posted by Retrotiger View Post
MP Regeneration is both server-sided and client-sided.
totally not server sided,haha