New Weapon Problem

10/12/2013 09:27 EnigmaCY#1
hello i added a weapon its visible in the inventory but i cant see any description on it no level no bonus no nothing how do i fix it?:rtfm:
10/12/2013 11:28 x'Radon#2
Item_proto client side einfügen
10/12/2013 12:10 EnigmaCY#3
pff now the weapon is invisible..great :P
10/12/2013 13:53 x'Radon#4
Item_list added?Are the Vnum of Icon and item in item_proto the same?
10/12/2013 15:36 EnigmaCY#5
Yes they are the same.In the inventory when i am putting the code the item shows up but its invisible in the inventory,also there arent any description and when i am wearing is invisible too :/