LUA injection

10/08/2013 15:07 721560329#1
hello i just want to ask if is possible to inject LUA script to process (game)

and if yes, how ? thanks :)
10/08/2013 18:11 Requi#2
Which game would be good.
10/09/2013 05:58 721560329#3
Originally Posted by Requi View Post
Which game would be good.
i want to most inject to League of Legends
10/09/2013 06:54 Requi#4
I don't know, if you can inject lua. Or if lol would know what to do with this code.

10/09/2013 07:46 721560329#5
Originally Posted by Requi View Post
I don't know, if you can inject lua. Or if lol would know what to do with this code.

it is possible... im sure about that :) i just need some injector
10/09/2013 15:29 Master674b#6
Grab the lua_State ptr and use lua_loadstring + lua_pcall to run your code.
10/10/2013 15:29 jacky919#7
Or detour the lua function that is used for loading the script and when the call to it is made load your own script. Probably you should then load both scripts, but it's situation dependent.