WTS Leauge of legends acc

10/04/2013 11:51 dairico#1
Wts League of Legends acc 99 champs and skins:

1. Justicar Aatrox
2. Longhorn Alistar
3. Unchained Alistar
4. Lord Darius
5. Woad King Darius
6. Soul Reaver Draven
7. Rugged Garen
8. Commando Jarvan IV
9. Nemesis Jax
10. High Command Katarina
11. Dragon Fist Lee Sin
12. Steel Legion Lux
13. Demonblade Tryndamere
14. Dragonslayer Vayne
15. Tundra Hunter Warwick
16. Riot Girl Tristana

+ You will get Victorious Elise , because this acc is in gold 5

Skype: cabals3