Shaiya Server - GM Commands

04/17/2014 20:19 jonny94els#316
alguno sabe el codigo de serafin,exiel y la abeja reina queen
10/05/2014 00:30 Mark.Teal1982#317
here is a compiled list of all the commands to work this are not all my findings its a list of everything I found everywhere

Character On/Off:
/char on
/char off

Attack On/Off:
/attack on
/attack off

Summon Player:
/asummon <PlayerName>

Move to Player:
/amove <PlayerName>

Country Move:
/cmove <MapID>

Get Item:
/getitem <ItemType> <ItemTypeID> <ItemCount>

Monster Make:
/mmake <MobID>

Make A item
/getitem <type> <typeid>

Remove GM Powers
/apowercan <Username>

Scroll Settings
/camlimit off
/camlimit on

NPC Delete
/nera <TypeID>

Make NPC
/nmake <TypeID>

Delete Mobs within 10 feet
/mera <TypeID>

Delete Mob Targeted
/mera t

Make Item By name
/imake "Item Name Here"

Set Commands
/set <Username> <skillpoint, money, kill, str, dex, luc, wis, int, rec> <Amount>

Kick a play offline
/kick <Username>

Clear Equipped Items
/eclear <UserName>

Clear Inventory
/iclear <UserName>

Cure A player or self
/cure <Username, or NO name for self Cure>

Auction Item Search of a player
/auctionsearch <UserName>

Get Market Items of A player
/auctionrecall <Username>

/bnotice "Message Here"
/znotice "Message Here" - On current map only
/notice "Message Here" - server message to all players
/wnotice <Username> "Message here" - like a whisper but in notice form
/cnotice "Message Here" - Current Faction only
/gmnotice "Message Here" Notice to GMs only
/warning <UserName> "Message Here"

/bsummon <UsersName> <X Coords> <Z Coords> <MapID> this moves a player to the coords you enter on the map you enter
/asummon <UserName>
/xcall <Faction #> Light is 1, fury is 2 this will summon all of one faction to you

Restrictions of a player
/stopoff <UserName>
/stopon <UserName>
/silence on <UserName>
/silence off <UserName>

Locate A player
/watch <UserName>

/cmove <MapID>
/bmove <X Coord> <Y Coord> <MapID>
/amove <UserName> moves to a player

Others I havent Tried yet
/addpoints [CharName] [count]
/addapall [x]
/promote [GM CharName]
/demote [GM CharName]
/tempban [CharName] [count] [m/h/d]
/ban [CharName]
/fullban [CharName]
/unban [CharName]
/makegsl [CharName]
/removegsl [CharName]
/makegs [CharName]
/removegs [CharName]
/makegm [CharName]
/removegm [CharName]
/makea [CharName]
/removea [CharName]
/reschar [CharName]
/delchar [CharName]
/disableacc [CharName]
/enableacc [CharName]
10/07/2014 05:06 DevUpRoarr#318
everyone and their mother has those commands by now..
12/09/2015 11:31 saysay123#319
Anyone Give me ID of Boss like Secreta
12/09/2015 19:00 Truth1010#320
This doesn't really have much to do with the GM commands.

Look at the monster.sdata file in your client. You'll find the ID's there.
04/19/2016 03:37 cheatengined2000#321
[QUOTE=Mark.Teal1982;29777983]here is a compiled list of all the commands to work this are not all my findings its a list of everything I found everywhere

Character On/Off:
/char on
/char off

Attack On/Off:
/attack on
/attack off

Summon Player:
/asummon <PlayerName>

Move to Player:
/amove <PlayerName>

Country Move:
/cmove <MapID>

Get Item:
/getitem <ItemType> <ItemTypeID> <ItemCount>

Monster Make:
/mmake <MobID>

Make A item
/getitem <type> <typeid>

Remove GM Powers
/apowercan <Username>

Scroll Settings
/camlimit off
/camlimit on

NPC Delete
/nera <TypeID>

Make NPC
/nmake <TypeID>

Delete Mobs within 10 feet
/mera <TypeID>

Delete Mob Targeted
/mera t

Make Item By name
/imake "Item Name Here"

Set Commands
/set <Username> <skillpoint, money, kill, str, dex, luc, wis, int, rec> <Amount>

Kick a play offline
/kick <Username>

Clear Equipped Items
/eclear <UserName>

Clear Inventory
/iclear <UserName>

Cure A player or self
/cure <Username, or NO name for self Cure>

Auction Item Search of a player
/auctionsearch <UserName>

Get Market Items of A player
/auctionrecall <Username>

/bnotice "Message Here"
/znotice "Message Here" - On current map only
/notice "Message Here" - server message to all players
/wnotice <Username> "Message here" - like a whisper but in notice form
/cnotice "Message Here" - Current Faction only
/gmnotice "Message Here" Notice to GMs only
/warning <UserName> "Message Here"

/bsummon <UsersName> <X Coords> <Z Coords> <MapID> this moves a player to the coords you enter on the map you enter
/asummon <UserName>
/xcall <Faction #> Light is 1, fury is 2 this will summon all of one faction to you

Restrictions of a player
/stopoff <UserName>
/stopon <UserName>
/silence on <UserName>
/silence off <UserName>

Locate A player
/watch <UserName>

/cmove <MapID>
/bmove <X Coord> <Y Coord> <MapID>
/amove <UserName> moves to a player

Others I havent Tried yet
/addpoints [CharName] [count]
/addapall [x]
/promote [GM CharName]
/demote [GM CharName]
/tempban [CharName] [count] [m/h/d]
/ban [CharName]
/fullban [CharName]
/unban [CharName]
/makegsl [CharName]
/removegsl [CharName]
/makegs [CharName]
/removegs [CharName]
/makegm [CharName]
/removegm [CharName]
/makea [CharName]
/removea [CharName]
/reschar [CharName]
/delchar [CharName]
/disableacc [CharName]
/enableacc [CharName][/
04/23/2016 12:15 Aztharos#322
Hi all,
I'm GM on a new server, we are setting it, it work, but it seems the GM command don't work, do you have an Idea ?
we're on a EP 5 client
If you help me, Thank you !
04/10/2018 19:02 Goshko123#323
can someone give codes for all bosses from ep5. Like a all CTI ,KI ,DE ,Sera , Kimu ,ID and DK, Thanks
04/10/2018 20:26 AnimuNazi#324
Just download ep5 client and extract the sdata , viola !
04/10/2018 20:47 dorado1234#325
Originally Posted by Goshko123 View Post
can someone give codes for all bosses from ep5. Like a all CTI ,KI ,DE ,Sera , Kimu ,ID and DK, Thanks

animu told it, open lph data tool > open ep 5 data > extract monster.sdata
05/11/2018 20:01 cali777#326

these are very helpful to those newly GM's
08/13/2018 06:19 host0009#327
i need developer that can edit all in game pm me skype -JingJa
08/14/2018 17:22 host0009#328
who want to be part on my new server i need developer pm me skype -JingJa
09/04/2018 19:54 dogtelep11#329
Anyone know the Red Rose code? and anyone have a pdf file to item drops code pls?

( and btw looking for GM post if u search one )
09/05/2018 10:01 host0009#330
anyone want's to be part of my Server i need developer in my server pm me in skype for more info. [GM]-JingJa

who want's to be part of my server? i need developer in my server for more info just pm me on skype [GM]-JingJa