wts all on sylvia MAGE AND ZERK HOT

09/18/2013 19:06 vorsa#1
gl bellos 3/3 and gl bellos 2/2,fearless neck 3/3,gaia ring 5/5,int gaudius,werewolf,biglos,etc...full cf realm nice sts zerk,full shrine realm,absolute realm,hh realm with 3-4 slots cap etc..shield 2 slots,sword with nice sts hh 5 slots ALL FOR ZERK + many items and ashtals etc

2 int ohkeros 3/3 and 2/2,hh realm ,abs realm,cf realm all awesome stoned and sts,bril faren 3/3,2 weapons 1 with full scion 5 slots one with full asthals 6 slots awesome sts both ,ALL FOR MAGE + many items for other chars and ashtals etc..cc...

09/19/2013 19:56 starforce11#2
Post some screens . .