S> Diamond 5 acount

08/31/2013 05:17 Davidhuang1550#1
Skins: Tpa bundle, legendary vlad, ultimate udyr, dreadknight garen, steel legion garen, nurse akali, hextec anivia, sheerwood forest ash, artic warfare caitlyn, bioforge darius, dark valkyrie diana, masquerde evelyn, frosted ezreal, minute man gankplank, nightblade ireilia, victorious jana, comando jarven, warrior kingdom jarvan, full metal jayce, slay belle katarina, judgement kayle, artic ops kennen, mecha khazix, traditional leesin, ionia yi, lord modekaiser, exlied morgana, leopard nidalee, french maid nidalee, head hunter nidalee, ravager nocturne, pentakill olaf, full metal pantheon, battle bunny riven, champion ship riven, bilgerat rumble, warlord shen, augment singed, surfer singed, hextech sion, spectacular sivir, dryad soraka, easter egg teemo, highland tryn, astrocait vayne, neon striker vi, northern storm volibear, tundra warwick, jade dragon wu kong, battle cast exrath, warrior kingdom xin zhao, undertaker yorick, shock blade zed.
Season 2: platnium
Rune pages:9
Runes: x3 greater quints of atk dmage, x9 greater seal of ammor,x9 greater glpyh of ammor, x9 great mark of ammor pen, x9 greater glpyh of magic resistence,x9 greater mark of atk damage,x9 greater seal of mana regen,x9 greater glpyh of scaling ability power, greater quints of ability power,x9 great mark of magic pen,x9 greater mark of atk speed,x4 greaater glyph of scaling magic resistance.
Current ip: 5333
Current Rp:123