IG 2.13 For RuOFF

07/05/2009 19:16 Gitlir#1
Also For all who paly oN Russian OFF server this is an working [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]

How to:
Slesh.ddl, L2Info, ogg.dll paste in C:\Programme\4GAME\LineageII\system
some of thats files are inject fles your antivirus system will say thats Virus ignore that
search in the system Folder L2Walker.dll and delete it

FuckConsole005b paste in C:\Programme\4GAME\LineageII
so start game only over fuckconsole than when tere is mistake [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...] the dont press close just ignore it put it by side and play

For dualbox start fuckconsole again

for botmenu press Home key
Using Bot On owen risk

Happy Boting
07/09/2009 23:00 Karys1#2
I start the game, then press "home" bet doesn't matter...
07/10/2009 00:25 Gitlir#3
do you start the game by fuckconsol ???
07/10/2009 23:15 Rukis#4
it works my avast didnt find anything :> but all antyvirus are usefull ;) +1to gitlir ^^
07/13/2009 15:09 Naminator_X_#5
Worked like a charm for me. Already have 10 levels :P Thank you man keep up the good work
07/15/2009 07:55 643086#6
Help me =)
I can't choose server =(((((
07/15/2009 08:07 643086#7
ooo it's work/ but i have disconect...
07/15/2009 09:30 Gitlir#8
maybe they have now an update for console i mean 4game i dont have play on ruOFF for some weeks so i dont know
07/16/2009 23:14 naruto987naruto#9
can u tell me how i can dualbox in ruoff , i have started yesterday but i cant dualbox
07/17/2009 17:51 Gitlir#10
do you use this bot ??? when yes!! you just have start again the fuck consol exe
07/18/2009 07:49 naruto987naruto#11
if u use thefuckconsol i can dualbox?
07/18/2009 08:00 naruto987naruto#12
i loged using the bot + its working, can u say me how i can dualbox?
07/18/2009 11:35 Gitlir#13
For dualboxing just start fuck consol again so often you want !! Please dont start a full party of bots just 2 or 3 because when 4games get many bot detections they will upgrade console and when they make upgrade bot want work there
07/24/2009 11:33 Pykoss#14
When using this bot my game is shuting down, without errors.
Can any1 help?

My system is Vista ultimate

PS. Sry for my english
12/14/2009 09:06 Pitja#15
Still working?