WTS:Plat I , 64 SKINS, 86 champs, euw, original email!INSTANT SELL 60 EURO

07/08/2013 15:13 ragnos11#1
Dear summoners!
I decided to sell my account like 1 week ago, i spent a lot of money in this account, like 200 euro, but i couldnt sell it for 100 euro at least.
Now i decided to sell it for 60 euro, maybe it will be faster this way...
The account has original e-mail, the email has a delete option if u want to be sure about i wont ask it back with RIOT supporter.
I give also Paypal ID-s and my last 4 number of my bank card number.
I am not going first since im trusted. If you do not want to go first we are going to use Middleman, who is not your friend (I also notice the scamm MMs and shits...)

84 Champs. Missing champions like:Fiora,Ziggs
-Runes: Got really lot of runes, missing like spell wamp and energy regen runes!
-Elo: Plat I
-Team Elo: Gold IV (I am the only one in the team, just kept it for S4 Gold border in team ranked teams )
-Got limited Lunar Avatar
-90 normal wins
-Currently 540 ranked games
-10 rune pages
-SKINS: 4 legendary 1 christmass kata
1.Foxfire Ahri
2.Blood Moon Akali
3.Infernal Alistar
4.Sad Robot Amumu
5.Panda Annie
7.Cryocore Brand
8.Dragonwing Corki
9.Bioforge Darius
10.Dark Valkyrie Diana
11.Death Blossom Elise
12.Tango EVelynn
13.Frosted Ezreal
14.Fisherman Fizz
15.Rugged Garen
16.Gragas Esq.
17.Frostblade Irelia
18.Frost Queen Janna
19.Warring Kingdoms Jarvan IV
20.Harbinger Kassadin
21.Slay Belle Katarina
22.Mecha Kha'Zix
23.Acolyte Lee Sin
24.Iron Solari Leona
25.Dragon Trainer Lulu
26.Steel Legion Lux
27.Obsidian Malphite
28.Mafia Miss Fortune
29.Infernal Mordekaiser
30.Blackthorn Morgana
31.LEopard Nidalee
32.Eternum Nocturne
33.Nunu Bot
35.Bladecraft Orianna
36.Rune Wars Renekton
37.Headhunter Rengar
38.BAttle Bunny Riven
39.Dark Crystal Ryze
40.MAsked Shaco
41.Blood Moon Shen
42.Augmented Singed
43.Guqin Sona
44.Bloodstone Taric
45.Deep Terror Thres
46.Rocket Girl Tristana
47.Musketeer Twisted Fate
48.Vindicator Vayne
49.Neon Strie Vi
50.Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
51.Shockblade Zed
52.Arclight Varus
53.Soul Reaver Draven
54.Lion Dance Kog'Maw
55.Woad Ashe
56.Officer Caitlyn
57.Rumble In The Jungle
58.Galactic Nasus
59.Cottontail Teemo
60.Headhunter Nidalee
61.Darkflame Shyvana
62.Nemesis Jax
63. Aatrox skin
64. Astronate Teemo

Skype: ananash3h

EDIT: The account wins 34 LP/win and lose 11-14/lose! (Very good MMR)

Add me and dont miss this good offer!