LOL Account lvl 30 EUWEST Gold 1

07/04/2013 12:18 bur1x#1
Hey I´m from Germany so feel free to ask me stuff in my nativ language cuz my english is shit XD

anyways, i´m selling this Smurf Account on EU WEST!

Champs on this Account:

- Ahri
- Akali
- Alistar
- Annie
- Ashe
- Evelynn
- Ezreal
- Fiddlesticks
- Gangplank
- Garen
- Irelia
- Janna
- Jax
- Kayle
- Kha Zix
- Lee Sin
- Leona
- Lux
- Malzahar
- Master Yi
- Nunu
- Ryze
- Sivir
- Taric
- Teemo
- Tristana
- Tryndamere
- Vayne
- Warwick

Following skins are included:

- Nottingham Ezreal
- Pulsefire Ezreal ( !!! )
- Infiltrator Irelia
- Judgment Kayle
- Steel Legion Lux
- Firefighter Tristana

You get 3 Runepages with of runes with everything that u need! AD, AP, Support

The Account is in Gold Division 1 with 19 LP EU WEST!

So i Don´t really know how this works in that Forum because i just registered myself to sell 2 Accounts but i guess its save for me and for the new Owner when we transfer money over my Paypal Account.

I´m not sure how much worth that account is but i guess 40€ - 50€ should be ok, if i dont get many offers then we can still talk about the price, its all good :)

If anyone is interested in this Account please leave your Skype addy and i´ll contact you via skype asap!

Also feel free to leave a Comment or a Question in German or in English i´ll try to answer it as quickly as i can!

Thanks so far
07/04/2013 12:19 priinceP#2
I offer 20 Euro PayPal.
07/04/2013 12:28 bur1x#3
that´s too less. i´m sorry