Boost service from bronze 5 to plat 5 EUW,EUNE

06/07/2013 21:16 Rapid Boost#1
Experienced elo booster offering his services on EU West and EU East servers:

About me:

Over 3000 solo queue games, playing for almost 2 years, participated in tournaments of semi-pro level.

Achievements in last 2 seasons I've played in:

WEST -> Season 2 2100 elo rating Season 3 -> Diamond 2

EAST -> Season 2 2300 elo rating Season 3 -> Challenger

If you need any further informations about me, you are free to ask. (contact methods are in the bottom of post)

Bronze V - Bronze IV - 12$
Bronze IV - Bronze III - 12$
Bronze III - Bronze II - 12$
Bronze II - Bronze I - 12$

Bronze I - Silver V - 15$

Silver V - Silver IV - 15$
Silver IV - Silver III - 15$
Silver III- Silver II - 15$
Silver II - Silver I - 15$

Silver I - Gold V - 25$

Gold V - Gold IV - 26$
Gold IV - Gold III - 27$
Gold III - Gold II - 28$
Gold II - Gold I - 29$

Gold I - Plat V - 35$

Payment Method:


Skype: rapid.boosting
06/08/2013 00:22 SrdjanO#2
added on skype
06/08/2013 16:43 peeksie#3
Hey i can vouch for you if you want. Got all champs so always choice
skype; peeksie100