Sue JoyMax Entertainment Co. Ltd.

04/18/2012 06:01 ღ ∂ Ropp#31
Originally Posted by kds_sro View Post
According to the laws, rules and customs of private international law, Those who felt aggrieved in some way, have the right to sue the company that defrauded.
However, everything must be followed under the laws of your origin country. In my case, i got the right to sue Joymax based on civil code of my country. I made a complaint, in a police station of computer crimes and a lawyer offered me support. I did the complaint because i got hacked after Joymax database leak. Everything seems to be going well, the case against Joymax will start soon, I found a lawyer who is expert in this type of question. This time, Joymax will pay for the treatment, given to their clients.

You should read and get the knowledge, about the international private laws. Ignorance makes you blind, go study first, before you talk about something that you don't know.

kds... hun... I'm all for you attempting to sue joymax for their actions, but I doubt you'll even get them ANYWHERE with their business, I don't believe a law suit against them would do anything other than just make them laugh.
04/18/2012 06:13 Vaidas B#32
Also this thread is three years old. Closed.