LVL 104 knight on Sylvia

05/27/2013 11:29 Kenderlovag#1

WTS lvl 104 knight on sylvia.
It's nearly naked, got :

- glorious gaudius
- luke with ele cloak
- +1 rank sword
- lower lvl swords
- poison top
- wc : 7x 500% janus,2x drop janus, 4 talisman of heaven, 5combi, lot of other pot, 30k lens, 200% toa
- elite armors xd

Accept scrolls on : Urzark, Zian too
05/28/2013 12:41 Kenderlovag#2
Bump!!! Highest offer is now 3 scroll lol. xd
05/29/2013 12:43 Kenderlovag#3
bump, still 3 scroll is the highest offer.. :D
05/30/2013 13:04 Kenderlovag#4
05/31/2013 15:18 Kenderlovag#5