Mining 2OO9

06/10/2009 07:48 IlikeBunnies#1
i LOVED the old mining system TQ use to have for CO. Use to get ALOT of gems. :). i figuer TQ penched the pipe they have letting out good items. (not literly penche the pipe. figure of speach) such as gems and dbs, elite and supers. so ppl buy more dbs. resulting in them getting more $$. ya feal me?:mad: well it dont me you WONT get a gem. theres still a chance. ya know. so i figure ima mine in TC mine, PC mine, AC, and DC and jus try my chances. i will record my findings. and i would appreciat ppl to do the same :D jus plz record your findings. as of 2OO9. THANKS for your help if you contribute.:pimp:
06/10/2009 11:58 .bmg#2
will try : ] tho noones mine any more on my serv there is like MAX 1 miner in each mine.
06/10/2009 13:54 IlikeBunnies#3
lol, same on mine. but as i statedd they lowered the number of chances of gettting a gem, not eliminated it. (i hope) lol. well lastnight i put my miner in TC mine. got nothing but 1 gold ore. woot... i did get a moon gem however i didnt mine it. some noob gave it to me lol. says she found a MOON GEM in TC mine. LOL! well idk about youll. but that sure as hell NEVER happened to me befor. i have played for for like 4-5 years :). NEVER got a MOON GEM in TC mine. lol. Even tho my results are bad still :/ i still will keep trying and post my results. other results most welcome. THANKS GUYS! :D
06/11/2009 05:18 IlikeBunnies#4
mined most of the day. with no results cept some gold ore. stayed in TC mine. guna go on threw the night into the morning there. and see what my results are.
06/12/2009 01:16 asdf123456#5
they took out the ref u can mine for hours to get norm gems.....wich drop frum mob kills in 1/4 the time
sup gems still possible but since its prct based and no 1 mines not a good chance.....
i used to mine bak in the day with 1 miner no bot and get 3-4 ref gems a day and lik 10-15 norm but that was bak in the day with a pick prof of 10 and a +3 pick :XD
06/12/2009 10:45 leavemealone#6
Percentage based and Players mining have nothing to do with how many gems you will get, Just because more people mining means the process for like Generate Number between 1 and 1000, if number 50 give supergem, more people mining the still the same chance for you yourself getting it, the function can generate the same number twice, three times etc... So yea.
06/12/2009 22:19 PuN|SheR#7
#request #close
06/12/2009 23:57 .bmg#8
Originally Posted by PuN|SheR View Post
#request #close
lol y?
06/13/2009 00:21 IlikeBunnies#9
well when they cutt the % of gems down, did that effect on everythingelse? suchas supers, elite, dbs, mets. ect.?
06/14/2009 09:58 Lunatic_Calm#10
15 minutes in TC mine looking for gold ore and Euxenite ore.
found neither -_-