Ladderslasher Bot

06/07/2009 03:25 poopland#1
Its less beta now, it should work with most computer aspects as it is entirely customisable, what it does is fight, pick up items, rest... In the near future it will detect if items are good and keep only the good ones, but for now the next version coming out very soon is going to pick up items based on how many effects they have.
It has randomized clicks so its not detectable :).
New version available here:
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06/07/2009 23:47 poopland#2
Now avaiilable for download!
06/20/2009 10:22 Svenstar#3
what does this bot actually make ?
06/20/2009 19:54 poopland#4
Its basically a level up bot, kills monsters, heal, chicken, etc..