Platinum V, 1900 elo, EU EAST, 22 Champs, Epic account

04/25/2013 12:36 serenpity#1

Fellas I'm selling this very nice account:

Account Specs:

League: Platinum V
Elo: 1900
Wins ratio: 34 -13 (epic victories vs diamonds and challenger )!

Skins: Jarvan Wearing Kingdoms, Nasus Dreadnight

Server: Eu east
Champions: 22
Rune pages: 2 (ad ap)

Price: 85$

Only legit and trusted members with verfied paypal, no scammers or freebies who want to get the info first. Unless we go with middleman from epvp !

If anyone interested add me on skype:

Thanks again !
04/25/2013 13:08 syrob#2
You won't get that much for account with nothing on it but elo.
04/25/2013 13:12 serenpity#3
tbh i have sold same elo accounts for mor ethan 200 euro. because if u want to boost an account to reach plat v u will pau more than than 200 so i dont understand. its all about elo not about champs son
04/25/2013 13:12 ßlindness ♫#4
130€ ? too expensive ;c
04/25/2013 13:16 serenpity#5
i guess i can give it out for a pack of gums cheap freebies :D
