SELLING NA LVL 30 ACCOUNT! Silver Division

04/01/2013 01:45 Jimmayboy#1
Hey guys,

Hey guys selling a NA league of legends account

Level: 30 LoL account (NA)
Wins: 169
Ranked: Silver III divison 8W : 4L
Champions: Amumu, Ashe, Cho`gath, Corki, Garen, Ezreal, Heimerdinger, fiddlesticks, evelynn, alistar, karthus, miss fortune, mordekaiser, nasus, poppy, nunu, rammus, renekton, singed, sion, ryze, soraka, teemo, tristana, tryndamere, twisted fate, veigar, vladimir, warwick and zilean
Runes: AP, AD

Willing to go first if you're reputable or verified, otherwise middleman can be used if verified or reputable as well

PM me on Skype Jimmayb0y

Reasonable offers only!