WTS Na Kitty Cat Katarina S2 Diamond; 67 Champions

03/22/2013 19:00 yokohamm20#1
As the title says, it was Season 2 Diamond, with Border and Icon, Currently 13xx Solo queue rating with 4x win 4x loss, (Excellent for anyone wanted to start playing right away, this is a great starting elo for you to learn)

Again as the title states, this account come's with the 2nd rarest skin in the game - Kitty Cat Katarina, which has been unobtainable since Harrowing 2010 (One of very few EUW account have this skin)

The account has over 50 runes, 3 Rune pages, and several other good skins, these include.

Akali - Siverfang
Alistar - Unchained
Ashe - Sherwood Forest
Caitlyn - Resistance
Cassiopiea - Siren
Evelyn - Masquade
Heimadinger - Alien Invader (Legendary, ultra rare)
Irelia - Frost Blade
Janna - Victorious - S2 Gold Reward
Janna - Frost Queen
Katarina - High Command
Katarina - Bilgwater
Katarina - Kitty Cat Katarina - 2nd rarest skin in the game, unobtainable since Nov 2010
Lux - Commando
Master Yi - Assassin
Nasus - Riot K-9 (Pax, Ultra Rate)
Shaco - Royal.
Sivir - PAX 2011 (Mega Rare, Limited Edition)
Tryndamare - Demonblade (Legendary)
Twisted Fate - Jack of Hearts
Varus - Blight Crystal.

The account currently has just over 100 RP, and just over 1400 IP, the real money is in the Kat skin and Diamond though.

I am the Original owner of the account, and all info is supplied with it, including a change of Email. Unless you are a highly rep'd member of ********* I will note be going first so do not contact if you don't agree to this.

PM me contact details or anything in general if you are intested. Pictures via skype
03/22/2013 19:43 LoL-Trader#2
Change of email doesn't secure it, you'd need to give the buyer the actually email on it. (Don't try to change it then say it's the original)
08/07/2013 04:20 manosnight#3
I tarde with MM i pay well
08/07/2013 04:49 mosu'#4
Originally Posted by manosnight View Post
I tarde with MM i pay well
did u just revive a thread which is 5 months old and whom threadowner is banned?:rolleyes: