latest Offset for PWI after content update

04/17/2014 18:29 lukelm#166
Anyone know how to find:

Base_AddressFZ =
SendPacket_Adress =

in PWBR?

The other items could upgrade, but lack these.

Current offsets:
Base_Address = 12818924
Real_Base_Address = 12817036
Base_AddressFZ = (?)
Base_AddressEXP = 12821960
SendPacket_Adress = (?)
ChatBase_Address = 12838448
LastChat_Address = 12838460

Obrigado! (Thank you!)
04/20/2014 16:02 Lamagra7#167
Hi, guys.

Could you tell me please the new skill inject address. Thanks

Edit. Nvm, found it.
05/11/2014 02:04 zbychos#168
Hi guys
... nvm
06/02/2014 20:36 yakanikiku#169
can anybody help me to make offset for PWI Nation War
06/11/2014 06:10 iwanp#170
lol PWI have autocultivation why u using this now.....
07/15/2014 19:18 xjoss001#171
updatw psss