WTS Gladi lvl60 on perento server

03/12/2013 21:56 aboodylool#1
hello i want to sell my aion account on prento server asmo side ...

Class : gladi

lvl : 60

armor : lvl 55 arena + 1 lvl 60 2 cond

accessories : 2 earings lvl 60 eternal with pvp attacks 1 ring and belt lvl 60

eternal with pvp attacks .. others are lvl 50 gold with pvp atacks too

wepon : visharti spear +10 with pvp attack + lvl 50 balic with 2 cond arena

pm me here for more info or add me on skype " aboodylool " :mofo:
04/13/2013 16:18 kerado#2
accept a change to a chanter?