[Request] Script help

05/12/2009 18:55 mifune1#1
Hey ppl,

Im not sure if this is possible but maybe some1 can help me out, the idea i have for a script is that player1 (EE) kills player2 (ES) and then player1 autoresses player2 after it died and I want that to go on and on. But I also want player1 to auto attack player2 after it gets ressed.

But my problems is I have no idea how to make such a script, or any script at all, so maybe some1 can help me out here?

This is on a private server where buffs last 2h and u can have 3rows :p so the EE has all buffs, i dunno if that matters for making the script but thought I did mention it.

Also I only have igw, I dunno if that matters either.
05/13/2009 15:34 mifune1#2
Or i just need a script wich auto attacks playerx and then i can use 3 clients to do it
05/15/2009 08:38 emir0n#3
that should be possible only with l2net/l2divine but im not perfect yet in scripting with those ...