Searching GOOD DO acc, selling good LoL acc

02/24/2013 11:19 DOfan#1
Hello everyone! I'm offering you my League of Legends account to trade it with a very good darkorbit account. It has:
62 champs (including i.e. Darius, Fiora, Ahri, Malzahar, Irelia, Draven...)
Foxfire Ahri, Midnight Ahri, Woad Ashe, Bad Santa Veigar, Crimson Akali, Slaybelle Kata
Never banned!
About 900 wins

Do account requirements (i prefer these):
Full Havoc or full Hercules (prefer full hercules)
Aegis/citadel/all skill designs
10 drones
Full lf-4 or almost
Bot license

I will not give first for anyone because I got scammed by Prime. My negative feedback came as "a payback" from Prime.™ (because I changed my rate to negative one)... -.-