Price : PSC 30 full havoc 5 f4 !!!!!

02/23/2013 20:28 ergys259#1
It have 400000 x4
3250521 x2
ships : ageis citadel goliath
design : venome sentinel spectrum
9 iris lvl 12 all
ful havoc
diamond turtle and star

skype : the_predator41
02/23/2013 20:47 TheDevilInsideMe#2
02/23/2013 21:22 ergys259#3
02/23/2013 21:40 hunterbot#4
#warning with this guy, he tryed to scam me, if you want proofs pm me ;)
02/23/2013 21:44 Peshо#5
Can we trade with MM? I'm interested. :)
02/23/2013 21:57 hunterbot#6
pheso0, he dont want to use mm he wants all first