[SELLING CHEAP] EUNE 75 champions 22 skins - LEGENDARY and LIMITED skins also

02/05/2013 21:05 dida55#1

The account has never been banned/warned, it has the 'Honorable Opponent' badge.
The account has around 75 champions.
It has season 2 ranked silver icons, all of the halloween icons (the tier 4 one is worth a lot:)) and some of the xmas ones.
It has 4 rune pages.

Currently around 1300 elo (only wins in season 3).


Legendary: Piltover Customs Blitzcrank

Limited: Festive Maokai

Pentakill Olaf

Sultan Tryndamere

Rageborn Mundo

Glaive Warrior Pantheon

Blood Knight Hecarim

Warlord Shen

Vandal Gragas

Dragon Fist Lee Sin

Jurassic Cho'Gath

Sandscourge Skarner

Ravager Nocturne


Leprechaun Veigar

Totemic Maokai

Primal Udyr

Northern Front Swain

Royal Shaco

Infernal Mordekaiser

Hextech Singed

Bloodfury Renekton

Limited: Nottingham Ezreal

Let me know if you are interested:))
