I am admin but cant change anything (fortify, sockel, exp and so on)

04/28/2009 13:54 JS.Devon#1
i am admin of a pserver, but cant change anything. i can edit the files (like exp and so on), but in-game it doesnt change. i already restarted my computer. what did i wrong?
04/28/2009 14:17 JS.Devon#2
exp: monster csv in creature. DIL also. socket: share/item/itemaddsocket.csv. argate: share/item/itemupgrade.csv

right, isnt it?
04/28/2009 15:36 ex6tenCe#3
yep files are right
04/28/2009 17:04 Kraim#4
edit it client- and serverside, restart the server and restart the game clientside
04/28/2009 17:44 JS.Devon#5
done. i edited client and restarted my computer, but didnt worked
04/28/2009 17:48 ex6tenCe#6
what is meant with "edit it client and serversided". i just know how to edit clientsided - in the client lol
04/28/2009 18:00 Kraim#7
Originally Posted by ex6tenCe View Post
what is meant with "edit it client and serversided". i just know how to edit clientsided - in the client lol

if you only need to change things clientside, everyone would change the exp,drops as he like.

in the folder where you have all your servers(message,cast,login,...) is a share folder..there you have to edit the SERVERSIDED things
04/29/2009 07:19 naruto820#8
for fortify/socket/monster nothing has to be edited client sided its all server sided.
also for exp gotta change monster.csv at both creature and monster folder