[SELL] Global Europe 4 and Germany 2

01/15/2013 19:17 stark23#1

I sell my Accounts on GE4 and DE2
Both accounts werent botted and never got banned.
I'll accept only Paysafecard or Elitegold.
We'll trade via Request a Trade and a Middleman, we will choose the middleman together.


Level 14
13 Pilot Points
4 Iris / 4 Flax
Goliath all Trade Designs
15 G3N-7900 Speed
22 BO2 Shields
Full Extras
1 Month Premium Left

Price 5-10€ PSC / 300-450 e*gold


Level 19
4 LF4
8 Iris
1 Apis
50~ LF3
30~ BO2
30~ G3N-7900 Speed
200k x2
160k x3
150k x4
42k SAB
Full Trade Designs + Venom Design
32 Pilot Points
Top 400
Skylab Full 20

Alpha Gate 1 parts needed
Beta Gate 6 parts needed
Gamma Gate 5 parts needed

Price: 25€+ 1100 e*gold +

I hope someone want the Accounts! :)