Buying DO Account

01/15/2013 00:31 TheDevilInsideMe#1
Hello I am searching for a good Dark Orbit account.I am willing to pay 10-20 euro depending on what it has.Please leave reply with what you got.
01/15/2013 11:44 ezex#2
Spain4,rank in top 300
1,7B exp and 11m honor
8 iris+apis all lvl 16,zeus 3 parts
2 hangarhalls: aegis and veng
All lf3 and bo2 all cpu's 2 xl cloack,some of the bo2 little upgraded,hellstorm lvl16
2 lf4
1m ammo,180k x4 4200 acm,420 ish-01 and smb-01,lot of xeno
about 30 emp,1900 pld8,2k sar02,1,3k bdr
2 techslots
all credit droneformation and F-09-MO(butterfly droneformation)
about 500 repaircredit and 1,5k free jumps
Pet lvl 15:3 lvl 3 radar protcol,kamikaze3,autorecollector lvl3,resource collector lvl3,repair modul lvl1,recource seller 3,tracker module lvl3 That pet stuff is worth 400k uri
beta 48/48,gamma 82/82,epsilon 40/99,kappa 63/120
kronos 14/21 kronos need 1 gamma,1beta,2kappa,1epsilon and 1 delta and 1 lamda
20k uri
skylab all lvl 20
pilotpoints 30
01/15/2013 11:51 TheDevilInsideMe#3
umh noted
01/15/2013 13:31 TheDevilInsideMe#4
Umm sorry to say this but here i made this thread so that you post only if you got an account for sell ,i didn't ask for oppinions about the accounts people posted here.