WTS 30 NA account - Almost all champions - 134 skins (rares and legendaries)

01/04/2013 12:44 Lithin1#1
All characters except: Elise, Nami, Vi, Zed, Kha'Zix and syndra

134 skins, bunch of rares / legendaries.
Akali: Blood moon, Silverfang
Alistar: Golden, Longhorn
Amumu: Pharaoh, Emumu
Anivia: Bird of prey
Annie: Goth, Frostfire, Reverse
Ashe: Freljord, Sherwood forest, Amethyst
Blitzcrank: Piltover customs
Brand: Apocalyptic, Vandal
Caitlyn: Sheriff, Safari
Cho gath: Nightmare, Gentleman
Corki: Hot Rod, Urfrider
Mundo: Corporate
Ezreal: Nottingham, Striker
Fiddlesticks: Fiddle me timbers, Surprise party
Fizz: Fisherman
Galio: Enchanted, Commando, Gatekeeper
Gangplank: Spooky, Sailor
Garen: Sanguine
Gragas: Hillbilly, Gragas Esq.,
Heimerdinger: Piltover Customs
Irelia: Nightblade
Janna: Tempest, Hextech
Jarvan: Commando
Jax: Angler, Jaximus
Karthus: Phantom
Kassadin: Pre-void
Katarina: Bilgewater
Kayle: Viridian, Unmasked, Judgment
Kennen: Karate, M.D.
Kog'maw: Caterpillar
LeBlanc: Prestigious
Lee Sin: Traditional
Leona: Iron Solari
Lux: Sorcerer, Imperial
Malphite: Shamrock
Malzahar: Vizier, Shadow Prince
Maokai: Charred, Totemic
Miss Fortune: Waterloo, Secret agent, Mafia
Mordekaiser: Lord
Morgana: Exiled
Nasus: Galactic, Dreadknight
Nautilus: Subterranean
Nidalee: French maid
Nocturne: Void, Ravager
Nunu: Bot
Olaf: Gacial
Orianna: Sewn Chaos
Pantheon: Myrmidon, Ruthless, Perseus
Poppy: Noxus
Rammus: Chrome, Molten, Ninja
Renekton: Galactic
Rumble: Rumble in the jungle, Bilgerat
Ryze: Tribal
Shaco: Royal
Shen: Blood moon
Shyvana: Ironscale
Sion: Warmonger
Sivir: Warrior Princess
Skarner: Sandscourge
Sona: Muse, Pentakill
Soraka: Dryad, Divine
Swain: Northern Front
Taric: Emerald, Armor of the fifth age
Teemo: Recon, Astronaut, Cottontail, Super
Tristana: Riot girl, Buccaneer
Trundle: Lil' Slugger
Tryndamere: Viking
Twisted Fate: Tango, Musketeer
Twitch: Gangster
Udyr: Black Belt
Urgot: Butcher
Vayne: Vindicator, Aristocrat
Veigar: White mage, Leprechaun, Superb Villain
Vladimir: Count
Warwick: Urf the Manatee, Big Bad
Xin Zhao: Commando
Ziggs: Mad Scientist
Zilean: Time Machine

Runes (10 pages):

1x 0.93% crit chance
9x 1.3 armor pen
9x 0.95 physical dmg
9x 0.87 magic pen
9x 0.91 armor

1x 0.33 AP
1x 0.43% Crit dmg
1x 19 health at 18
9x 1.9 AP at lvl 18
9x 1.41 armor

1x 1.2 AP
9x 0.28% Crit Chance
9x 0.63 magic pen.
9x 3.1 AP at lvl 18
9x 0.99 Mana regen/5 at lvl 18
9x 2.7 MR at lvl 18
10x 1.3 Magic res.

1x -0.91% Cooldown
1x -5% time dead
2x 7.8 AP at lvl 18
3x 2.6 armor pen.
3x 2.3 physical dmg
3x 26 health
3x 1 gold / 10 sec

Its on North America and i got a EUW account which is my main now and therefor i am selling it.
Taking offers right now and will request a middleman when we are trading.
I can show you the whole account via join.me so you know exactly what is in the account.

It currently got 210 RP / 6592 IP and 10 wins IP boost

I do not know what i want for the account since i have no clue what kind of price it is worth. If i see a good offer I'm gonna take it.