Selling Lv 30 Lol Account with Lots of SKins including legendaries and legacy's

12/20/2012 05:12 progammer88#1
Selling my LOL LV 30 account. Have lots champions, skins, legendary skins and legacy skins. Plenty of runes including an all crit dmg and energy page.

1. Akali(Crimson Skin)*Legacy*
2. Alistar(Unchained Skin)
3. Amumu(Pharaoh Skin)*Legacy*
4. Annie
5. Ashe
6. Blitzcrank
7. Brand
8. Cho’Gath(Jurassic Skin)
9. Corki
10. Darius
11. Dr.Mundo(Toxic Skin)*Legacy*
12. Draven(Soul Reaver Skin)
13. Evelynn
14. Ezreal(Pulsefire Skin) *Legendary*
15. Fiddlesticks
16. Fiora(Nightraven Skin)
17. Garen(Desert Trooper Skin)*Legacy*
18. Gragas(Scuba Skin)*Legacy*
19. Hecarim(Reaper Skin), (Blood Knight Skin)
20. Irelia
21. Janna
22. Jarvan IV(Commando Skin)
23. Jax
24. Jayce
25. Karthus(Phantom Skin)*legacy*
26. Katarina(Sandstorm Skin)
27. Kayle(Judgment Skin)*Legacy*
28. Kog’Maw(Jurassic Skin)
29. LeBlanc
30. Malphite
31. Malzahar(Overlord Skin), (Shadow Prince Skin)
32. Master Yi( Samurai Skin)
33. Mordekaiser(Infernal Skin)
34. Morgana
35. Nami
36. Nasus(Galactic Skin)
37. Nautilus(Subterranean Skin), (Abyssal Skin)
38. Nidalee(French Maid Skin)
39. Nocturne(Haunting Skin)*Legacy*
40. Nunu
41. Olaf(Glacial Skin), (Forsaken Skin)
42. Pantheon(Glaive Warrior Skin)
43. Poppy(Noxus Skin)*Legacy*
44. Rammus
45. Rumble
46. Ryze(Dark Crystal Skin), (Uncle Skin)
47. Shaco(Mad Hatter Skin)
48. Shen(Blood Moon Skin)
49. Singed
50. Sion(Warmonger Skin)
51. Sivir
52. Soraka
53. Swain
54. Taric(Bloodstone Skin)
55. Teemo
56. Tristana
57. Trundle
58. Tryndamere
59. Twisted Fate(Jack of Hearts Skin)
60. Twitch(Gangster Skin), (Toxic Skin)*Legacy*
61. Udyr(Black Belt Skin)
62. Urgot(BattleCast Skin)
63. Varus(Blight Crystal Skin)
64. Veigar(Superb Villain Skin), (Leprechaun Skin)
65. Vladimir(Blood Lord Skin)*Legendary*
66. Warwick(Feral Skin)*Legacy*
67. Wukong
68. Xin Zhao(Commando Skin)
69. Yorick
70. Ziggs
71. Zilean

I can do 70 but dont think i can go lower than that.

Its on north america server btw.
12/20/2012 07:46 GloryElo#2
wats ur skype
12/20/2012 15:48 progammer88#3
Originally Posted by GloryElo View Post
wats ur skype
My Skype is voidspam

Originally Posted by GloryElo View Post
wats ur skype
Anyone else need anymore information?