DO - Dont receive confirmation Mail

12/06/2012 18:34 [{~flayrender~}]#1

I want to change my Email on an account, but i do not receive any confirmation mail, though there is no error message in the game.
I use aol as mail host, and i already read that there are other people at aol with the same problems, but i havent found any answer for the question. It would be really nice if anyone could help me, so that i can receive Confirmation Mail.

12/06/2012 19:29 panther1svk#2
1 year ago i had simmillar problem. Bp support wrote me, that in some emails it should take few hours or it should give to "spam bin"... try to look there or just wait

and also contact support
good luck
12/06/2012 20:34 Miauyo2#3
Same problem by me with aol
12/06/2012 22:07 1naamloos1#4
Contact BP.
12/07/2012 01:55 moxy729#5
sometimes there system moves mail into blacklisted contact them and say you have not recieved ur confirmation mail for change of data.they will contact you after checking if ur email was blaclisted or sm other problem