Auction house calculator

11/27/2012 18:42 Clubman#1
Please watch this video for 90% of the information, all the stuff is explained in this topic but the video is a good tool if you're not a reader

The calculator

It is made to calculate the profit of gems if you make them instead of selling.
Emerald gems are cheaper to a point where you can actually make profit if you MAKE them
instead of buying them.
in certain senario's you can get 250-300k Profit PER UNIT (usually at perfect star or flawless star), if you have a bulk of money to start off with "20m-50m you can make a huge amount of money without having to do much


- Only edit the amount of "TOMES OF SECRET" and "FLAWLESS SQUARE" Gems you wil buy
- edit the purchase value in the top left of the program,
- Edit the black boxes with the value the gems are currently selling for

The calculator will calculate the following

- Total value having to spend on Gems and Tomes which you purchase
- Total value of each upgrade cost for the next gem, ( $ Required for tomes etc )
- Auction house's standard 15% reduction upon sale
- Profit per unit, ( if the profit is minus. you obviously dont make profit but pay more.)
- Profit incomparison if you sell 3 of the gem instead of upgrading it to the next level
- Profit you make if you upgrade it to the next level ^

Microsoft - Excel

Download link is in the description of the video
or you click [Only registered and activated users can see links. Click Here To Register...]
but i do appreciate an extra view or comment on my vid

Please leave a comment in either this topic or video with your thoughts about it,
i dont have time to actually code it into a program so you're gonna have to deal with excel for now

11/27/2012 19:21 killerke011#2
Nice one, thanks
11/27/2012 20:56 ag0ny1234#3
gibts sowas wie crafting bots ? :D is ziemlich langwierig die sache^^
11/28/2012 22:09 Switcher#4
Das erklärt die unfassbar hohen Preise von über 9k pro "makelloser quadratischer Smaragd" im Momment. ^^
11/28/2012 23:35 Clubman#5
^ not sure, but the gems weren't high a week ago. i decided to make this calc for profitering , it stil works like a boss tho. made like 3m profit so far while hving only 17m ;p
took me a day
12/02/2012 20:46 Masterakio1995#6
At the moment its hard to make profit with this.