
11/21/2012 15:22 cavaalb#1
Like how much uri you make per hour in x-2 only npcs without boxes?goliath ship
and how many hours i can use the bot for a safe botting(pbdo)
i make like 1800 uri per hour..if you make a better uri per hour with pbdo can you give me the task?

oh yea and one more thing..when it will be again mhh?
if you want to keep your acc with bot you must spend some euros in game:)

sry for that..i forgot:D
11/21/2012 15:27 Fancy-Pants#2
Only english or german.
Learn it!
11/21/2012 18:04 Grizzzly!#3
I make about ~3k with Goli 10 lf4.
11/21/2012 19:39 cavaalb#4
from where you have that lf4?box or epsilon?

i have 0 lf4
11/21/2012 21:39 Technostar#5
i think twice but i get my lf4 only from "Zeta"( beute keys :D)
but i hunt StreuneR and get ca. 3 k uri :D