3vs3 tipes someone help

11/07/2012 16:10 MasterofOrion4#1
Can you tell me a big team some tipes what should we do in the new 3vs3?
11/09/2012 13:12 ProtonenGurke#2
I love to play 3vs3 ranked :)
My Team takes for the botlane most time Volibear + Swain , Annie + Malph or Jax , Wukong + Morgana.
Most times I play Annie , you start with the Mass stun and search in their Jungle , so you can get FB.
We got ~1800 Elo ...^^
11/12/2012 20:35 Shiragi#3
Have either a heavy tank team with nice dmg output:
APTank Malphite: Soc Shoes, Hunting Guise, Abyssal, Sunfire + Arm/Magresi
ADTank Jayce
Lee Sin

AP Bruiser Teemo: Malady, FM, DFG and stuff
Katarina: DFG + Witchcap + Abyssal and ur in
Malphite/Amumu/Alistar/Lee as a fulltank

Or a pretty nice combo:
Darius+Katarina=Free CD for Kata
Teemo nad his Shrooms are wards+free jumps for Kata
Or the skarner is a killsafer, eg. darius pulls, skarner ulti and then dmg and the enemy will be dead..

Well, you need the right combo of cc, tank and dmg ofc.. but this shouldn't be new ^^

Btw Teemo ist OP on the new tt, becaus of his free wards... and slow and with kata she has nice escape mechanism ^^

/sorry for the not that well english :D