[B]WoT EU account or [T] My LoL lvl 30 account for your EU WoT account.

10/28/2012 11:08 Khanatat#1
Hey there,

I'm buying a WoT account with at least 3 tier X tanks ( preferably 2 heavies- 1 German/1 medium or a TD from the German or US line- doesn't matter which ) and a premium moneymaker ( Lowe/T34/Type 59 ), basically I want it to be ready for clan wars and the skills to be already grinded so I don't have to do all the work :P, it doesn't have to fill in all those characteristics, I just want it to be CW ready and have good stats.

My LoL account is level 30 and has 95 champs unlocked with over 125 skins. Having spent over 600 dollars on my LoL NA account I'm asking for a fair trade if you're willing to switch accounts.

Since you can change the email on the LoL account, I'm also asking to be given the email that was used to register the WoT account for safety.

I'm not willing to go first unless you have over 30 positive TBM marks, if you do not qualify, you'll pay for a trusted middleman.