Hack idea. (change current weapon id)

10/21/2012 02:59 orpi#1
well i got a hack idea, should be only visual but since gw2 its a stetic game that u farm skins, there could be a hack for change the current weapon u wear id to another id, for example a legendary weapon, so u can got the sensation of wear a legendary weapon without spend any gold.
10/21/2012 10:55 stuckexd#2
i think this would be only client side
10/21/2012 11:54 Else#3
Jep, all data saved server-side. ;-)
10/21/2012 11:54 Aimless Angel#4
Changes likes this, if they are working, are only client side. That means, only you can see it. ;)
10/21/2012 12:47 dacx#5
Should be possible to achieve with CheatEngine, but only clientside.
If you want, give it a try.
10/21/2012 15:57 orpi#6
yeah i know that its clientside, but would be nice go with a exotic gs with power/precision and crit with a legenary skin, i think that its nice and doesnt give any advantage versus other players.
10/21/2012 16:07 Else#7
And? You have the values. But you don't do the damage from it. ;-) And only you can see it.. Useless.
10/21/2012 21:19 orpi#8
Originally Posted by Else View Post
And? You have the values. But you don't do the damage from it. ;-) And only you can see it.. Useless.
legendary weapons do less damage than exotics.
10/22/2012 00:59 TheOnlyOne652089#9
Originally Posted by orpi View Post
legendary weapons do less damage than exotics.
They are EXACTLY the same stat wise.

Really crazy were peops get this idea that they are either stronger or worse, they are totally the same ... (except skin ofcourse)

You can allways just use your exotic and copy over the legendary skin, use transmutation stones and the magic is done.
10/22/2012 01:51 orpi#10
but less dmg lol, u cant compare sithy legendary stats +182 Power +130 Toughness +130 Vitality VS +179 Power +128 Precision +9% Critcal Damage exotic, thats because i said that someone can make a hack for change the visual of ur current weapon, and everybody can feel the power of legendary skins without spend 500 gold, will be a friendly hack bcz dont give advantage, but makes more enjoyable ur gameplay.
10/22/2012 08:40 steffen la#11
if u want, then do it, can be nice for u^^
10/22/2012 10:38 stevebythesea#12
Couldn't this just be done with the textmod tool used in GW1?

DirectX injector to change weapon, armor and ui skins.

TBH, I would love this. "free" legendary, who cares if others see it? As has already been said time and time again the stats would be exactly same or even "better".

better = stats you would prefer